Object Oriented Programming was first introduced by Dr. E F Codd in 1970’s.
OOP concept is related to concept of Classes and Objects.The main reason for introducing the oops is to provide data security.
Class :-
Class is a user defined Data Type
Class is just a Virtual concept of a collection of related items together which we cannot see or feel.
Object is an Instance of a Class. We can access a Class only through its Objects.
A thing which has the properties of a class is known as Objects.
For eg:- Car is a Class and Benz is an Object of the class 'Car'
An Object have it's own identity
e.g:- From many Benz cars we identify it by its registration number
The main characteristics of Object Oriented Programming are:-
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
The ability of a class (Derived Class) to derive or Inherit the properties of another class (Base Class) is called Inheritance
eg:-A child inherits Many Property from his parents But it is not necessary to inherit all the properties....
It is the process of wrapping of data and functions into a single unit
Process of Hiding the data from a user is called Encapsulation; also called Data Hiding.
The process of showing essential features without giving any explanations is known as Abstraction.
eg:- In case of a car a Person know only how to drive the car..its gear,break and all that only essintal for driving that car
Poly means 'many
morphism means forms'
It is the process of existing in more than one form...
eg:- Behavior of a person in front of his authority and friends
Here c++ ,c# and java are object oriented programs
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